Priceless! The E-mail response from my Irish Twin...

This was too hilarious for me to keep filed away in my E-mail saved folder. I have to share with all of you my Irish Twin's response to the last blog posting. She is the preggers one who can't run the marathon - wimp, right?! HA!

Warning: You may need some Depends after reading.


It was my morning reading at 5am. Of course I am definitely upset that I am not your “Apollo” or the very least “the wind beneath your wings.” I mean without me, where would this dream be? And to think that I could not successfully train you from computer might be insulting. I mean I feel I could be a running nazi if I had to be (whoops that would be your title – lol!). All kidding aside, I liked the blog post and don’t worry my “eat my dust” competitive edge will be alive and well when I run it in 2012. I will just be running against your time – so you better make it good!

I am still working out to keep in “labor” ready shape instead of marathon shape. Of course, some would say, labor is worth more than a marathon but having done both I will have to say labor has been a piece of cake compared to the marathon! Every single labor was in way less time than the marathon!

I hope at the very least to inspire you to have creative blog entries!

I have also spent the last 11 days trying to explain to my children how we are the same age for 11 days. No need to explain the birds and bees - that will come at a much later time!


Your Irish Twin


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