Chasing Men Through Central Park

All right, this headline isn't exactly what it seems, but I was technically chasing men through Central Park. But, these aren't just any guys -they're in my marathon team training group. A couple of Thursdays ago we did three 1.7 interval laps around the inside track of the Central Park and well, while the guys paced a very fast 1.7 miles (along with fast gal Sandy) I basically chased and sadly, no, I didn't catch 'em. (Funny - it was like this run was imitating my life!) But hey, give me a few months and let's see if I can get 'em chasing me!

Here's the deal:
After crossing/crawling across the 2001 NYC Marathon Finish Line, I swore I'd never run another one and since have kept my maximum race distances at 13.1miles. But, life happens and things change along the way and I'm training once again for the coveted 26.2. In addition to chasing guys through the park, I've been wearing out the soles of my shoes while huffing and puffing along JFK Boulevard and River Road in New Jersey with amazing views of the glorious Manhattan skyline to distract myself from belabored breathing and tight leg muscles.

What changed my mind?
A few months ago, I had the privilege of meeting an inspiring young man, Ethan Zohn who once played pro soccer in Africa. While he was there he experienced the real culture of the continent and saw first hand the impact of AIDS/HIV especially when a friend of his succumbed to AIDS.

When he returned to the United States, he secured a spot on the show Survivor and it happened to be the one based in Africa. When he was there, he won one of his challenges by communicating through soccer and at some time during his stay there decided that if he won, he would use the money to help educate the young people of Africa about HIV/AIDS.

Well, that's just what he and a few of his very intelligent and ambitious buddies did. Fast forward 7 years later and Grassroot Soccer is flourishing with over 300,000 kids having been through the program in Africa. It's been nothing short of amazing.

It doesn't stop there - he continues to inspire. Soon after after I met Ethan he was diagnosed with cancer, but he's not letting this stop his marathon training! (Check out his updates with People by clicking here.)

Yes, I said I'd never run another marathon - it takes much dedication, stamina and a lot of "mind over matter" thinking. So, I find myself busting through my fear, completely inspired by Ethan and a quite a few other amazing runners!

In addition to the running part of this, I'm also working on a $3000 fundraising goal for Grassroot Soccer that I'm hoping to blow right past! I've started my campaign by asking 100 people to donate $30 each; and slowly but surely, I'm getting there. I do know times are tough so if you can't donate, I'd love to see you along the route that day! For info on donations and to check out my personal marathon page, click here.

And, yes, yes, I'll be blogging right here as I plow through the training!

Thanks all for reading and I appreciate your support!


johnbpetersen said…
Hope the training is going well. Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. Keep up the good work!
Annie said…
Thanks John! Not sure how you found my blog, but thanks much for reading it! Good luck to you too!

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