Don't Stop Believing....
As most of you know, I’ve been planning for a few months now to run in the Vegas
Half Marathon with The Best Damn Running Partners That Live Nowhere Near Me, Jess and Kerry. Well, Jess doing the whole marathon – 26.2! Well, the week leading into it wasn't quite what I had planned....but as my little sister Chrissy reminds me, "I mean, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade!"

Run Fa
t Girl Run!
The week started off strong! Nothing could keep my badunkadunk down, not even the lousy, rainy, cold, windy weather last Sunday in the NYC area. Despite the wind blowing me backwards as I ran along the Hudson with a barely visible NYC skyline in my view, I made it through a run. I was in three layers of clothing ala Michelin Man looking with the last one being waterproof. You would think the “waterproof” layer would’ve helped, but when I was done, I looked like I had submerged myself in a pool.

The week started off strong! Nothing could keep my badunkadunk down, not even the lousy, rainy, cold, windy weather last Sunday in the NYC area. Despite the wind blowing me backwards as I ran along the Hudson with a barely visible NYC skyline in my view, I made it through a run. I was in three layers of clothing ala Michelin Man looking with the last one being waterproof. You would think the “waterproof” layer would’ve helped, but when I was done, I looked like I had submerged myself in a pool.
Monday, I woke up at 5:15 am and was at kickboxing (KO Kickboxing in Hoboken) by 5:45am. Euphoria came over me when I finished the class, a bit like a poor man's runner's high, and I felt like I had a great jump on the week…that is until the sneezing began mid-day. With a week long schedule packed with holiday networking parties, I continued to "a-choo" and persevered with my day.
Monday, I woke up at 5:15 am and was at kickboxing (KO Kickboxing in Hoboken) by 5:45am. Euphoria came over me when I finished the class, a bit like a poor man's runner's high, and I felt like I had a great jump on the week…that is until the sneezing began mid-day. With a week long schedule packed with holiday networking parties, I continued to "a-choo" and persevered with my day.
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer 
Tuesday came and I was in denial that I might be sick. “Allergies, it’s allergies.” – That’s what I said when a colleague/friend met me for a coffee pow wow and claimed that my eyes were extremely glassy. Denial continued as I hit two networking events that evening.
Wednesday, I worked from home which was a good thing. I don’t think I was meant to be seen in public with my swollen sinuses and red raw nose.

Tuesday came and I was in denial that I might be sick. “Allergies, it’s allergies.” – That’s what I said when a colleague/friend met me for a coffee pow wow and claimed that my eyes were extremely glassy. Denial continued as I hit two networking events that evening.
Wednesday, I worked from home which was a good thing. I don’t think I was meant to be seen in public with my swollen sinuses and red raw nose.
The Cand
y Man
Thursday I had to tie up loose ends for a luncheon at our office and had two VIP Stonehill events to get my butt to, and well, more importantly catch up with Gina R. and fellow runner Colleen S. I felt miserable but luckily my fave ENT Dr. K. took me in for a last minute appt. “Yeah, you have a cold and something brewing.” I told him I had a race and a plane ride. He looked at me with sad eyes and shook his head. Although I'm not a pill popping kind of gal, I let him write away and hit the nearest pharmacy.
I honor of one of TBDRPTLNNM, Kerry

Thursday I had to tie up loose ends for a luncheon at our office and had two VIP Stonehill events to get my butt to, and well, more importantly catch up with Gina R. and fellow runner Colleen S. I felt miserable but luckily my fave ENT Dr. K. took me in for a last minute appt. “Yeah, you have a cold and something brewing.” I told him I had a race and a plane ride. He looked at me with sad eyes and shook his head. Although I'm not a pill popping kind of gal, I let him write away and hit the nearest pharmacy.
I honor of one of TBDRPTLNNM, Kerry
Off to my evening event. I actually made it home by 10pm after taking a Pedi cab to Port Authority. For any of you loyal redress, you've seen the antics of my past Pedi cab ride with Kerry. This one paled in comparison, but while on this less wild ride, I thought of her and the The Best Damn Pedi Cab Driver, Luke Lavin.
Friday morning. It felt like someone smacked me right between the eyes with a wrecking
ball and my face was swollen. It was apparent my denial caused a too late attempt with Zicam, Zinc, chicken noodle soup and even Advil cold and sinus. Nothing was working. I sent an e-mail to the owner of the company I work for to reschedule a meeting with him and his response was nice but included a "So I guess you're not going to run the race?" Oh no...not even an option even if I have to walk will happen!
I had no other choice but to do it. It was all pre-paid. So, one last effort, I went to the acupuncturist. I won’t lie. I had a meltdown of sorts. The stress of the economy; being sick (yeah, I know I’m a baby about it); the mere thought of how unsightly I looked; and the wonder of how I'd do in the race.
Thanks to a miracle worker, within an hour, I felt a bit more human and wizzed off to the airport. Luckily for me, I sat next to a man who was about 6’4” and about 250. He was in the middle seat and I was at the window. Scratch that – he was actually in his middle seat and half my seat! I love when strange men fall asleep on planes too and start resting on you. I felt like yelling, "Hey man, I don’t want to spoon with you!” I thought my saline nose spraying, sneezing and blowing of nose would keep him away, but unfortunately no. Maybe the dude had a thing for phlegm.
I made it in one piece! Yay! There was Jess waiting, but unfortunately some last minute work responsibilities forced Kerry to cancel, oh that and some CRAZYness.
So, for all of you who are runners out there...just a list of some thoughts that've been going through my head about this race:
Friday morning. It felt like someone smacked me right between the eyes with a wrecking

I had no other choice but to do it. It was all pre-paid. So, one last effort, I went to the acupuncturist. I won’t lie. I had a meltdown of sorts. The stress of the economy; being sick (yeah, I know I’m a baby about it); the mere thought of how unsightly I looked; and the wonder of how I'd do in the race.
Thanks to a miracle worker, within an hour, I felt a bit more human and wizzed off to the airport. Luckily for me, I sat next to a man who was about 6’4” and about 250. He was in the middle seat and I was at the window. Scratch that – he was actually in his middle seat and half my seat! I love when strange men fall asleep on planes too and start resting on you. I felt like yelling, "Hey man, I don’t want to spoon with you!” I thought my saline nose spraying, sneezing and blowing of nose would keep him away, but unfortunately no. Maybe the dude had a thing for phlegm.
I made it in one piece! Yay! There was Jess waiting, but unfortunately some last minute work responsibilities forced Kerry to cancel, oh that and some CRAZYness.
So, for all of you who are runners out there...just a list of some thoughts that've been going through my head about this race:
1. Note to self: follow the training schedule. 13.1 miles is still a somewhat long way to run and should be taken seriously esp. when you want to post a decent time.
2. Don’t get sick the week of the race. It’s just not good.
3. Think ahead about your sneakers – I realized the ones I want to race in were “dead” the week of the race – umm, too late to change them, so I hope my shins don’t pay the price too much!
4. Do whatever you have to, to not share your seat on the plane. I should’ve demanded that the man pay half my fare – he was on half my seat!
5. Get enough sleep. I was so excited to see Jess – we stayed up to 4am NYC time chatting. I need a nap!
6. It's OK to carb up with a few beers the night before a race, but not 10.
2. Don’t get sick the week of the race. It’s just not good.
3. Think ahead about your sneakers – I realized the ones I want to race in were “dead” the week of the race – umm, too late to change them, so I hope my shins don’t pay the price too much!
4. Do whatever you have to, to not share your seat on the plane. I should’ve demanded that the man pay half my fare – he was on half my seat!
5. Get enough sleep. I was so excited to see Jess – we stayed up to 4am NYC time chatting. I need a nap!
6. It's OK to carb up with a few beers the night before a race, but not 10.
7. Don't stop believing...
For now, signing out from Vegas~talk to ya later! Kerry, we miss and love you and have some surprises up our running shirt sleeves:)
JJD -The Wynn-er takes it all..