Sweet Baby Jane
The good times, bonding moments, inside nicknames (we practically created out own secret language) tears and laughter were endless and I've been blessed that these ladies have always felt right next to me over the last 20 years, even though they're 9,000 miles away.
Well, Jane, the "ever traveler" as her family and friends have called her, departed this earth 2 years ago today. When I woke up today, I felt a bit sad. You know what I mean - that "pit" in your stomach/heaviness heart feeling? And, really this is no way to wake up - I'd rather wake up feeling well rested ready to conquer the world. And before I could begin to feel badly, to no surprise, there was an e-mail fro
m Kendra to lift me up:
Jane is always with us, I’m not going to be sad today, I’m going to celebrate a beautiful friendship and a beautiful girl!
So for today's blog (BTW, I'm quite sure Jane, a fellow writer would have loved this blog phenomenon and have no doubt she'd have one of her shenanigans Down Under) I'm gonna take Kendra's lead and celebrate the beautiful Jane and her friendship...She was a huge fan of music in general, but liked her Aussie singer/songwriters. I took this song by Missy Higgins right off of the Australian girls Night of the Goddesses CD that Suzy (above in white hat) shared with me when I was in Oz last summer... XOs to my kindred spirits Down Under and Jane's amazing family.