Finishing Falmouth and what's next?!

Falmouth was three weeks ago! Where does the time go?! I really gotta get a bit more on the up-and-up about writing my blog consistently! One of my goals for the fall...anyway, I digress.

So, as I'm writing this, it's Saturday 8.30 and I can't believe it, but I'm on the Bolt Bus - doing my best to conserve some gas and to boot, I get 5 hours to write. Free Internet sold me on this whole bus thing. A woo hoo! And, I'm not here with my pal Catherine M. and the plan is for me to meet up with one of the Best Damn Running Partners That Lives Nowhere Near Me, Kerry. We'll be celebrating her thirty-faux b-day by running the Nike Human Race followed by a huge bash at her pad. I hear there will be a pinata involved...this sounds like my kind of party! Yeah, it'll be a fun few days away from the big city.
So where was I? Oh yeah...Falmouth. I'm beginning to think subconsciously I've been putting this off since I wasn't 100% happy with my finish, but I gotta get over it! It also was a bit anti-climactic to be so excited about something and then have it over with and I practically had to be pryed off The Cape, one of my fave places on the East Coast.

Falmouth Continued...
I crossed the finish line and felt relieved and was ready to find my friends and have a nice cold beer (at noon! Yikes, is that too early?!) The way it's set up, you don't just cross the finish line and walk out of the path of the race. The race planners do it right - there's a half mile or so path runners are forced to walk to hydrate and get a post-race cool down in.
While walking what seemed like forever, I realized I had zero communication devices with me and the only thing I'd said to Annie O. and Michelle B. was that I'd see them after the race. No who, what, where or when. Poor, poor planning on my part since there were 10,000 runners plus fans. I soon found myself wandering in the post race field area, completely drenched in my running tank and skirt, with a Popsicle dangling from my mouth hoping/praying I'd run into ANYONE I knew. I wasn't a pretty sight so I wouldn't blame anyone for running in the other direction, even if I knew them. With no luck and the frustration of losing my race number (I've kept every race bib and time for about the last 6 years) there was only one thing left to do - head to the BBC (a bar by the finish line) for a post race beer.

I'd been told by a few people this was a good place to hang out after the race. And, a-ha, the one thing right I did do was tuck some money and my license into my running skirt pocket for just this kind of emergency. I ducked into the dark pub from the hot sunlight and was relieved to see I wasn't the only one looking a bit, emm, tattered.

First things first, to the bathroom I went (once again avoiding the port-o-potty) as I needed to make an attempt to look somewhat normal. On line, I ran into some woman who looked like a real runner - tall, lean and looks like she barely broke a sweat. She was exceptionally nice and chatty. I looked at her stack of clean, pressed clothes with envy as I stood there still drenched from the sweat and hoses from the race course. Our convo went something like this:

She: "Did you run the race today?

Duhh...was she not looking at me?

Me: (without judgment at the obvious question) "Yes, first time. How'd you do"

She: "I did fine. I'm having a better time at the race this year."

Me: "Great, congratulations." Pause.

Me (looking at the clean, dry clothes in her hand): "Oh I wish I had a change of clothes with me. They're with my friends right now and I don't know where they are."

She (gushing): "Oh, my boyfriend brought these for me. He's great. Last year I came with a friend and it just wasn't as fun. This year, I have a boyfriend and it's so much more fun."

Me: (looking around for my friends, or any familiar face): "That's great. I'm actually waiting for some friends now (really having no idea if I was in the right place) I'm glad it's all working out for you this year."

She: "You don't have a boyfriend with you?"

Me: "No."

She: "Well I want to tell you that you're really beautiful, for a redhead. Most girls with red hair aren't as pretty."

HUH? What? Does she know what she just said? OK, a couple things: 1) My hair isn't that red - more of an auburn; 2) That was an extremely bizarre comment and convo in general, wouldn't you agree?

With that the bathroom door opened up.

Me: "Thanks. Great to meet you. Enjoy the rest of the day."

She (beaming still): "You too."

I looked in the mirror of the bathroom. Mmmm, still, bright red, tomato faced and sopping wet. With no hand dryer for me to use to dry my hair and clothes, I walked out, still hopeful that my friends would show up.

She (Still beaming and chipper): "You were so quick! Thanks! My boyfriend's been waiting for me for ages!"

Me: "No worries, have a good time."

And then like a ray of light, I saw them! YAY! It was my college friend Michelle B. and her friend Sue! I practically tackled them with sheer joy wanting to grab the gal I just met and say, "Who needs a boyfriend with friends like these?!" Within minutes, I was as happy as happy girl in line for bathroom. A cold beer, good friends and nice warm, clean clothes.

The afternoon couldn't have been more fun. We ran into a few people at the BBC including one guy we know who lamented his slow race time. I thought to myself, "Whoo, I'm glad I'm not the only one." I soon discovered that he finished in like 47 minutes. Yeah, do the math on how quickly he ran those miles...I wondered out loud to him if he thought less of me because of my slow finish. He just laughed and shook his head, but I beg to differ as he ran off to some party to hang out with peeps that were more his speed! Mmmm, I had to once again remind myself that pace wass all relative because I'm really just running against myself and I should make sure to just have fun...

Where'd I go from there? Well, we met up with another friend of Michelle's; went to the some other pub; and then the yacht club. And yes, I still hadn't showered. I wish I had my race number b/c I would have worn it like a badge! Then some time around 6 or 7, I hit a wall and was ready to head back to Annie O.'s.

Annie and her kids were welcoming as ever to us gals just back from Falmouth. We were there for about 10 minutes and before we knew it, there was a spread of snacks and we were hanging out on the back porch. After some chit chat, Michelle and Sue were on there way to have some more fun and me, I was on my way to bed after a nice big bowl of ice cream. My pal Colleen S. sent me a text inviting me to the BBC for some more race celebration and how lame was I to tell her I was off to bed at 9pm! There would always be next year...

So there it is - that was Falmouth in a nutshell. Now for some the poignant stuff...a heart felt thank you to all that donated to the race. In the end, the $850 goal was surpassed and I raised a total of $1065 thanks to all of you! It's a great reminder to all of us about the importance of organ donation and awareness of CF. Click here for some more information and check out the video below. And a big special thanks to Lindsay who inspired me with each step! Stay strong girl and I can't wait to meet you when I'm in the Boston area in a couple of weeks!

So, what's next? I'm gonna hang with the Hellgaters running some 5ks, 10ks, etc., and then next Monday starts my training for the Vegas Half on 12.7. The goal is to become a lean, mean, running machine along with the The Best Damn Running Partners that Live Nowhere Near Me.

As for this blog, keep checking in...the plan is to update every few days or so...focusing on all kinds of runs: the exciting race for presidency, marathon season and more! I'll keep running, if you keep reading!

Next posting: I ran with the world! The Nike Human Race experience and my weekend in DC!


Anonymous said…
LOVE the comment about red heads!! What's up with that!?!?
Annie said…
I know...the lady was insane! Maybe the heat got to her! LOL!

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