Ok, my bad..in my posting
"Music is My Life!" I omitted that along with my older brother Tommy, there were many other musicians and singers in the
Vinton family. In fact 6 out of us 7 kids have some kind of musical talents. Damn, we were SO CLOSE to being the Von
Trapps, minus the nanny turned mom and mansion. But, it wasn't to be as my poor
Irish twin (she's the older one) Caroline, didn't get the gene - she just can't carry a tune. Oh, don't feel badly for her though, she's done very well in other areas of life - she'll never admit it, but she's a complete computer geek who knows more about computing than Bill Gates.
(Ok, maybe that compliment's a bit gratuitous, but close to true!)
My little sister Christine, 11 years my junior
(yeah, she hasn't even hit 28 and Tommy's retired from the NYPD! You gotta love the shot of them on the left circa 1990 or so) and she and I have a lot of history together - you know the kind of history that includes us sharing bunk beds until I was damn near 22 years old! So many stories, too little space. Anyway, I cannot believe I forgot to mention in the music posting that when she was merely a teen, she graced the stage of Carnegie Hall with a violin performance! Ugh, unfortunately, I was too busy running around Downtown with my friends to make it to the show -- something I now regret.
So, Chrissy, cheers to you and your amazing violin skills! Not only do we like when mom embarrasses the crap out of you on the holidays to play for the family and any other
doppelgangers that stop on by, but I'm sure your former students from the South Bronx will always cherish your violin rendition of Snoop
"Drop it like it's hot!" Hey, these "pretty" violin pics make for a great Christmas card for next year, no?
