Simply the Best...

Before I get started, thanks again to all who have donated to the charity run that I'll be doing on 8.10.08. I'm more than half way to my fundraising goal. To read more about The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and to donate, click here.

So, I was in a quandary about what to post, but I'm a solution-oriented kinda gal and went for a run, hoping for some inspiration... so, here it goes....
To celebrate 7.7 (the anniversary of my birth) I started yesterday with a nice run...It w
as 100% pea soup weather, but with the sun hiding behind the clouds, there was a tiny bit of relief. There I was running, lost in thought and snapped out of it when I saw a nice looking guy running toward me. He smiled and nodded. I wish it was some kind of signal that meant, "You're a hot chick, let's run together - for life." LOL! Sorry, I digress and daydream all in one! Actually, this kind of smile and nod thing is typical communication between runners of all ages and types and I love it. Makes me feel like I'm part of a really large community pounding the pavement, getting some miles under my belt. So, with that, it got me thinking about some of the things I really love and some things I don't love so much about running.

So, this'll be a short but sweet blog posting celebrating the #7 and the good and the ugly when I run. Would love to also hear from you runners out there on your best and worst, too!
Top 7 - Simply The Best when running...
7. A friendly nod from a passing runner.
6. A clear day with no humidity.
5. Getting a race bib and T-shirt at races (hey, it's the little things in life!)
4. Recovering with dignity (yeah right!) from a wipe out.
3. Passing a runner in front of me. (Eat my dust, baby!)
2. Conquering a steep hill.
1. Beating my previous best time.
Top 7 - Not so simply the best when running...
7. People and cars that don't yield when they should. (I've come close to being hit a few times. Yikes!)
6. Dog poop on the sidewalk (when running in NYC, could be any kind of poop - who knows?!)
5. Pouring rain, high winds, brutally cold weather.
4. Wedgies. (Hey, I'm trying to be really honest here! And, don't want cute runner guy behind me when I need to get rid of it!)
3. Getting passed by another runner, especially when that runner is pushing a stroller with not one, but two children in it! (grrrr...the nerve! Makes me run faster though...)
2. People who's spit is carried in the wind in my path. (EW!)
2. People who's spit is carried in the wind in my path. (EW!)
1. Wiping out! (Anyone who runs has wiped out at one time or another and yes, someone always sees it! Ouch! That's my pride that's saying, "Ouch!")
I'll try to have my HS track glory stories (yeah right!) for you next posting! Have a great week and keep on running!
#8 Chafe
#9 Saying "On your left" about 30 times before someone snidely reminds you that you are actually passing on the right.
#10 the feeling of guilt i get when i don't run (that may be more of a Catholic thing than a running thing)
of course these are all outweighed by the positives:
#8 those absolutely perfect clear breezy blue sky days where you can run forever and seemingly not feel it at all
#9 when you recognize that you just got your runner's high
#10 having something to talk about and stay in touch with great friends like Annie.
#11 Finishing your first marathon in a better time than you could of ever imagined
#12 Seeing people running a marathon with double prosthethis or a t-shirt that says "5 years cancer free today". Inspirational.