Oh What A Night!

Here goes this week's post...
I should've known that Monday wasn't gonna be typical. It was Day One of my Starbucks
withdrawal. No, it's not the coffee I drink, it's a chai tea latte addiction and to boot, I'm one of those crazy people that have a bizarre order: venti, 3 pump, extra water soy chai. Yeah, I know, it's not normal - there's gotta be crack cocaine in the stuff - - that's the only reason I can think of for this insanity!

The weather's been hot as hell in the NYC area and I really wasn't up for a run. (For more info on how I was feeling, feel free to refer back to one of my previous postings when I was in the same kind of funk: http://runavrun.blogspot.com/2008/06/go-get-em-kid.html) My new golfing buddy Guy C., originally from Texas, has assured me that this is nothing next to the kind of heat in the South, but I don't live in the south, I live the Northeast and I'm melting here!
So, I delayed running as long as I could, procrastinating because of the heat. I thought by 9pm I'd be good to go. Ok, yeah right, wishful thinking. By then the temp had only dipped to about 85 degrees, which would've been OK had it not been coupled with a high dew point and high humidity. Let me paint a picture for how I was feeling: Even if I was standing still, I could sweat out the weight of a small child. (Not that this is a bad thing!)
I threw on my new kicks (love the feel of them...feels like I'm running on air! ahhhh...), running tank and shorts. I'm not much into my shorts these days (Ok, that didn't sound right) but I had to wear them since all of my running skirts were in the laundry. (Oh yes, that's right, I've got multiple running skirts now!)
So, what seemed to start out as an ordinary run, turned out to be anything but...here's how it unfolded...
Incident #1: Bad Girl, Catholic Guilt
I was running up my first hill and three tween boys were approaching me and yes, I know this sounds mean, but it's a factual description: one was well on his way to becoming the poster boy for childhood obesity. I won't get into many details, but words were hurled in my direction and in a nutshell, they mocked me. Typically, I'd ignore this type of behavior and be on my way - I usually don't stoop to that level for many reasons.
But, I couldn't let this one go, so I stopped, turned around while huffing and puffing and quipped, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"
They looked shocked. And, the one larger boy stuttered, "Ah, nothing m'am. We weren't talking to you."
I'd like to blame the heat and the fact that he called me "m'am" (Aren't I still too young for that?!) but there really is no excuse even though these boys need to learn a lesson of respecting their elders and I shot back, "Hey, I'm
working my ass off, maybe you should try it too."

And as the words came out of my mouth, I felt awful. Ugh. His friends laughed at him! I just ran away, faster than ever. It wasn't nice or right of me and the Catholic guilt set in instantaneously.
Incident #2: Burning Bus
I ran about another 3/4 of a mile and there was a cop car with flashing lights perpindicula
r to a street diverting traffic. The street closure was Boulevard East, the same street where George Clooney had his motorcycle accident, a few months ago - a street with a perfect view of the Manhattan skyline. The good news was they were letting runners and walkers through which meant I could see what was happening. I rounded a corner and saw the firemen, the trucks and then a shell of a bus that looked more like a charcoal brisket. Luckily there were no ambulances in sight, so I assumed everyone made it out safely. Just a lot of commotion and neighbors getting a glance at the action.

So with each step, I began to feel like a spoiled brat, realizing that there were many worse things than a little uncomfortable heat.
Incident #3: Hot Fireman, Big Ass

I kept on running, passing a few fellow runners, nodding and smiling and then looped back around approaching the site of the bus again. And there they were... four of five very good looking firemen leaning against the stone wall lining the sidewalk. I mean seriously, is there a prerequisite for firemen to be attractive? Realizing that I was abnormally drenched in sweat and had bad, bad hair (How's that for sexy?) I wanted to cross the street, but it was too late. Oh no, and there was more! I cringed at the realization that my already robust badunkadunk looked about 10 times larger in my running shorts. Ugh! I instantly regretted that wasn't wearing my running skirt, which usually took care of this issue. So, score one for me against my sister in the great running skirt debate. (http://runavrun.blogspot.com/2008/06/passing-baton.html)
I couldn't believe it but as I ran by, a couple of them showered me with compliments and then tossed their phone numbers at me.
OK, that clearly didn't happen. (Well, in my dreams, maybe!)Nothing happened - - I just ran by and, believe me, as fast as I could!
Incident #4: WIPEOUT!
I was approaching the final stretch on a dark tree-lined street. I had suspected that Karma would give me an ass-whooping for the tween incident, I just didn't expect it so quickly! Here's what happened: the front of one of my new running shoes clipped a crack in the sidewalk and I went flying. It felt like slooooooooow motion and I was airborn! I nearly hit the pavement, but made it out alive, without a scratch, but the acrobatics I did to avoid the fall left me with some sore muscles in my shoulder and neck. Ok, Ok...universe, we're even now. I promise to never lose my cool with tweens like that again...(unless I actually give birth to one or two someday!)
Well, there you have it and after all that, I made it home in one piece and I think 5 lbs lighter (yeah I wish!) So Monday's run gave me a few life lessons....keep my cool with tweens and be kind to even the mean kids; be thankful that the only heat I had to deal with was the weather, not a burning bus; and be thankful that I didn't splatter my face on a dark street...
Signing off for now...have a great rest of your week! Keep on running!
Just so you know, I have no choice but to run a few paces behind you on Sunday so that I can confirm or deny these reports to your readership.
- Dave