Ok, so the big
Cigna Falmouth Road Race was a week ago (click
here for a cool video of the start of the race) last Sunday - - 8.10.08 and so far for a full week, you've heard NADA about it from me! There's no excuse! So, here I am, FINALLY! AND, A BIG THANK YOU to all of you that supported me. To date, $1,065 has been raised for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation surpassing my goal of $850. An hey, if you wanted to donate and forgot, don't fret, donations are being accepted until September 15
th. Click
here for more info.
There's no beating around the bush: I'm behind in my blog entries, so here's how it's
gonna go: I've taken a step back and will do a three part race post: pre-race; race day and post race! Then, this blog will keep on running (pun intended!) as I'll be on to more adventures. I have some races scheduled for the fall and the Vegas Half Marathon 12/7 that I'll be running with the Best Damn Running Partners That Live Nowhere Near Me, Jess and Kerry. (Photo on this blog page below.)
"The Main thing is to have fun when you run..."
...wise words of support from fellow runner Ken D.
Ok, calling him my "fellow" runner is a

bit of a stretch as the only way Ken is truly my fellow runner is when he slows down his pace for me, which he did my first night with the
Hellgate Road Runners. But you know what? He practices what he preaches...check out the pic on the right: happy-go-lucky at Mile 13 NYC Marathon 2007. And he's no slacker, finishing in
3:18:50 (that's a 7:35/mile pace, folks) and below picking up his Boston Marathon number
(He crushed his NYC time by just over 5 minutes with a 7:24/mile pace - a 3:13:45 finish!) To further belabor the point that he's always having fun when he runs,
following's a
snippit of a
convo between one of his friends and me:
ME: "So, you and Ken ran Boston this year together, that's great."
RUNNER GUY: "Well, we ran until Mile 18 and then Ken just took off."
ME: "Wow (pause) but you still did great!"
RUNNER GUY: "Yeah, but he was smiling and waving at everyone - he wasn't in pain...the bastard!"
We had a good laugh about it...and agreed that he's the happiest runner we know!
So, the Wednesday before the race, even though my lower back was aching with each s
tep I took, I trekked to Astoria
(part of Queens) for the first time in my life and discovered it's a bit of a hidden gem! The
Hellgaters couldn't have been nicer and seconds after my arrival, I realized that I was amongst some serious runners. Initially, I felt completely out of place...even the way these runners were stretching and warming up seemed more "runner-like" than I could ever be! When we started our 12 400's around the track, I found myself pacing behind the pack, but, luckily for me, they were extremely supportive and kind, cheering me on with each lap as if it was a real race. I couldn't tell if it was that they felt sorry for me or if they were being nice because I was a friend of Ken's or that's just the way they were...I guess it was a combo of all three!
So, I struggled, errr I mean made it through my first training with the group. Even though Astoria is two tunnels from me by car or by mass transit a bus and a subway ride I knew I'd be back. For any
one unfamiliar with the tri-state area, traveling the 9 miles from my Jersey digs through Manhattan to Queens is akin to going to Siberia! But, I love the vibe of Hellgate enough to make a commitment to join the group - my goal is to pick up my pace and I believe this'll help! And, Ok, having people clap for me once a week ain't too shabby either. Yeah, yeah, I know, I know what my pal Ken says: "just have fun" running; but I can't help think of how much more fun I'd have if I'd run a little (or a lot) faster and beat out some of the guys - - so, Ken, you better just watch out! (A girl can dream, can't she?!)
To think I almost cancelled that Wednesday night because of my sore back. I'm glad I pushed through and made it to Siberia! A great big thank you to Ken, who's now intro'd me to the Hellgaters and reminded me to just have fun! Words I would remember during the Falmouth run...
Next posting...Arrival at Cape and Race Day!
Welcome to a Hellgate Runner's Club. I have been a member for 4 years. Running with hellgate makes running so enjoyable. I hope to meet you soon. I have a foot problem so I may not be running for a while until it heals. Fingers crossed!! Anyway as far as Ken is concerned, he makes running look so easy. He's one happy dude. The best is when he ran NYC. I see him at the 14.5 mile mark, waving, smiling then ran to his family to give them hugs. It blew my mind. I also remember running with him one time. Here I am focused and there he is talking and smiling making it look so easy. He's truly amazing!!! See you soon,